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1. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 07/30/2022 .


2. Each registration will give the right to submit 1 abstract.


3. Abstracts must fall under one of the following themes: Genetics , Plant Breeding and/or Plant Conservation .   


4. Papers must be submitted in the form of a Simple Abstract in “.docx” format exclusively via registration form .  


5. Click to download the  IV SimGeM summary template .


6. Abstracts must have A-4 page size formatting with 2.5 cm top and left margins and 2.0 cm bottom and right margins. The spacing between the lines should be simple.


7. Up to 6 authors will be allowed per abstract, being 1 responsible author (author who made the submission) and 5 co-authors.


8. The text must begin with the TITLE of the work in capital letters, using Times New Roman font, size 14, in bold, and centered with a maximum of 20 words. After the TITLE, the full names of the authors must appear, separated by semicolons, in Times New Roman font, size 12 and centered, and the name of the presenting author must be underlined. Each author must be assigned an Arabic number superscript at the end of the surname, which will serve to identify the information referring to him. Right below the authors' names, the corresponding numbering should be aligned to the left and in ascending order, followed by the authors' affiliation. The corresponding author must be indicated with the respective electronic address.


9. The Abstract must be written in a single paragraph with a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 450 words in Times New Roman font, size 12, justified. It should address the introduction/objectives, material and methods, results and conclusions. It must not contain bibliographic references.


10. After the “Summary”, three to five keywords must be included, separated by semicolons.


11. The items “Financial support” or “Acknowledgments” (optional) must be included at the end of the document.


12. All works will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and non-compliance with the rules will result in the rejection of the abstract , with no appeal.


13. The accepted works will be published in the proceedings of the IV SimGeM and will be available on the website of the Study Group “EuGeM” ( ) for all participants to have access to.




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